05 November 2011

Yes, All of Us Have Files, Songs and Movies Downloaded

.... so we violate the copyright law.
According to the advertisement prior every movie we watch in cinema, we are BURNING the industry. 
Some other people refer this as action of stealing. 

Well, law expert disagrees. 

According to Stefan Larsson, lawyer and socio-legal researcher at Lund University in Sweden, "theft" is a metaphor that create the gap between social perspective and the law.

Does this mean we could continue to do this? The ease of access to information has render us ungrateful towards the resources we obtain.

Would legislative actions increase the awareness over this issue?

“There are naturally many examples of when tougher laws change behavior, and there are also even examples of when tougher laws have made a substantial contribution in changing social norms. However, there are a few possible drawbacks when law turns repressive,” said Larsson, “(the laws) would need to make everyone think differently about reality.”

We still have a long way to go, to enjoy both the convenience of digital era and appreciate others' work  at the same time. 

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